Frequently Asked Questions

We ask that you consider our policies not as restrictions but as indispensable rules, which allow us to provide high standards of service. With regard to appointment cancellation fees, these are unfortunately necessary due to unavoidable expenses and valuable time allocated to clients and patients when they make the appointments.
Yes! Some of our services require that you have a consultation with our physician or one of our specialists prior to having your treatment rendered. We offer complimentary consultations for all of our services daily. Consultation appointments must be scheduled in advance, so call us today at 808 261 2441 or request an appointment.
To make an appointment; please call us at 808 261 2441 or request an appointment. Upon scheduling your appointment, patients will be asked to use a credit card to guarantee the appointment. You will not be charged a fee for your appointment. A $25 fee will only be applied to your credit card should you cancel within less than 24 hours or fail to show up for your appointment.

We also recommend that you schedule future appointments in advance to ensure your preferred time is available since nights and Saturdays are the most requested times.

We strive to confirm all booked appointments by our staff via a telephone call reminder one to two days before your appointment. Please provide us with a valid email address in the event that we cannot reach you via telephone. Scheduling an appointment is your acceptance of these policies.

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to prepare for your treatment. As we are a medical office and spa, we require new patients to fill out brief medical history information and consent forms.

If you are scheduled for injectables, laser treatments or Ultherapy we recommend you arriving 15 minutes prior to your appointment time so that we can properly prepare your skin for the treatment.

We ask that Laser Hair Removal patients come shaved before a treatment. It is recommended to shave the day before your appointment.

We also suggest that all patients receiving any of our facial treatments arrive without makeup if possible.

Heart patients: please bring in all current insurance information, updated lists of medications, and important phone numbers.


Avoid the sun 4-6 weeks before and after treatment.

Hair must be shaved in the treatment area 12–24 hours prior to any hair removal procedure.

You MUST avoid bleaching, plucking or waxing hair for 6 weeks prior to treatment.

For Facial laser treatments patients: If you have not shaved your face before, it is preferable to trim.

Our scheduling is designed to permit the correct amount of time to complete your service. Late arrival will deprive you of precious treatment time. In fairness to others, your treatment must end on time so the next patient’s session can begin on time. If you are not able to be on time we will do our best to complete as much of your treatment as possible. With some treatments, it may be necessary to reschedule your appointment.
Should you need to cancel, please contact us 48 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment. All cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will result in a missed appointment/ late cancellation fee. Patients who do not show up for their appointed treatment time will also be charged a missed appointment/ late cancellation fee. A major credit card will be needed to secure appointments. Gift cards are valid as a form of payment for no-show fees. This courtesy enables us to maintain a higher availability of our time for you as well as others. By scheduling an appointment, you are agreeing to our cancellation policy.

Missed Appointment/ Late Cancelation Fees

  • $50 for Vein Consultations
  • $75 for Spider Vein Sclerotherapy or Laser
  • $200 for Endovascular Ablation
  • $50 per half hour for any cosmetic appointment, apart from CoolSculpting, Ultherapy, and PicoSure Laser.
  • CoolSculting, Ultherapy, & PicoSure Laser: The required scheduling deposit will be forfeited.
  • Groupon users will lose one treatment.
We accept all major credit cards such as MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, cash and Windward Medispa Gift Cards.
Yes! Gift cards are a special way to show how much you care. Gift cards are non-refundable.
A credit card number is required to secure all appointments.

All prices, policies, and services are subject to change without notice.

All times stated are approximate.

Scheduling an appointment is your acceptance of these policies.

All sales are final.

Windward Vein, Heart, Medispa